Next generation Lions – “not just your Grandfather’s Lions Club”
Lions Mission Statement
To create and foster a spirit of understanding among all people for humanitarian needs by providing voluntary services through community involvement and international cooperation.
Who We Are
We are individuals with a common goal: to serve our community and serve those in need. Lions in District 4-C2 participate in projects that serve the needs of six counties in northwestern California. Some of those services include providing vision screenings for children, eye exams and glasses for low income, vision and hearing surgery referrals. When there is a need, Lions organize and provide disaster relief for areas affected by severe fires, flooding and earthquakes that Northern California has experienced in recent years.
Where We Serve
Lions District 4-C2 is a division of Lions Clubs International and the California Multiple District 4. The District stretches from the Golden Gate, north to Trinidad and east to the Sacramento River Delta. It is comprised of 50 individual Lions Clubs and 3 Leo Clubs, with approximately 1,250 members.
District Leadership
Strong leadership is vital to the success of our District. For over sixty (60) years, our Past District Governor Lion leaders have created a legacy and passion for Lionism and love to share it with others. As current and past District Governors, these individuals visit our clubs, multiple district neighbors and provide knowledge, guidance, and enthusiasm.